About the site
This is a Slackware packages site or simply
. The site was intended as just a web interface to Slackware
packages repositories, but it grew to something lot more than that. The software
now offers tools for management of Slackware repositories.
The idea for this site come to the author when he got close
to hundred packages, which he wanted to be more manageable, more accessible
and more easy to find. Until then the packages were just placed on a
FTP server and some of them were
registered at linuxpackages . However, the author
decided to create its own site and publish the packages mainly there, but
still relaying on linuxpackages.net
to spread its work.
The author is building packages since the beginning of 2005,
because he wanted to keep its Slackware system clean and easy upgradeable.
is a good distribution.
But when it comes to software packages you cannot expect to just find them
(like it is a case with an rpm based distribution). Because, I have specific
needs and I use more software than the official packages provide. Thus, I'm now
doing packages for everything that is not available anywhere else or I need
some special functionality that is not available in the other packages. I'm
open person, so I share my packages to anyone with the hope that they will be
The ambition of the author is to build good packages, though there is no any guarantee that they will work for you (and not even for him :-). Most of the packages are built for the Intel 486 architecture (one exception are packages build from binary releases - 3.47 %). The current distribution is:
Architecture | Count | Percent |
Architecture independent | 39 | 0.76 % |
Intel i386 | 11 | 0.22 % |
Intel i486 | 1092 | 21.39 % |
Intel i586 | 268 | 5.25 % |
Intel i686 | 46 | 0.90 % |
Intel Itanium 64 | 0 | 0.00 % |
Intel x86-64 | 1074 | 21.04 % |
Thus currently my packages database totals 2530 packages of about 331 different software applications. When I start to build a software package you can count that I will continue building it when new releases come out. And you can always find older versions and builds as well as newest one.
My packages generally follow the requirements of
linuxpackages.net and I use their
system wide utility script for writing my build scripts. At this time98.35 % of my packages are produced with a build scripts, but
this will increase over time, because my latest packages are all build by
build scripts. This keep things transparent to users and they can even
build the package by themselves if they want to. I publish my sources and
include them in the package.
The packages are always build for a specific Slackware official
release in this way ensuring the set of dependencies and the work of
the packages on the users' systems.
Hope you like the packages and they are useful for you.
Enjoy the site!
Happy surfing ;-)