Package signature for GDAL 1.10.1 for Intel i486
This is the package signature as generated by The GnuPG. This signature identifies the party that created the package. By verifying it you are sure that the package coming from a trustworty person or organization.
Here is the package signature:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEABECAAYFAlU9BOsACgkQqesEzEdeXBFidQCfT8cJBAP/b0GUFaAZur9BEcYo dlUAn0sHjOqrquqc3d9KcObWGex4M7Su =LYUU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
You can save this signature in a text file (e.g. gdal-1.10.1-i486-1gds.txz.asc) in the same directory where the package file (gdal-1.10.1-i486-1gds.txz) resides and you can verify it by issuing the following command:
gpg --verify gdal-1.10.1-i486-1gds.txz.asc
NOTE: You need to import the public key of SlackPack first:
gpg --import KEY